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The Science of Energy
in the Human Body


Cellular engines​

The human body is composed of one hundred trillion cells. The cells are like mini-engines powered by fuel (from the nutrients we digest) mixed with oxygen (from the air we breathe) and ignited by electrons stored in the cell batteries (mitochondria), driving the metabolism process. Each cell is designed to perform different functions, all working symbiotically to propel life in the body. For example, marrow cells within some bones create red blood cells. Blood cells deliver nutrients and oxygen to the body while removing toxins. Other cells, such as those in the liver and kidneys, combine to perform tasks such as cleaning the blood. Whatever the specific cellular function, each cell is powered by the same process. 

Rechargeable energy carriers​

Most cell processes use the same energy source, the rechargeable energy carrier, adenosine triphosphate or ATP. Very high-energy chemical bonds hold together the phosphate groups in this energy carrier. Under certain conditions, one of the phosphates can break away, releasing energy. The energy released is used for energy-hungry reactions that keep a cell alive and directly impact our health. When phosphate is released, what is left is adenosine diphosphate (ADP), or spent fuel cells. These spent fuel cells are recharged from ADP to ATP. This process requires the infusion of energy from the food we eat.  


All nucleated cells contain mitochondria which are the energy factories of the cell. Mitochondria take in molecules derived from food with lots of chemical bond energy, the breakdown products of sugars and fats. These fuel molecules are disassembled inside the mitochondria to release their chemical bond energy. This energy is in the form of electrons. Pumps embedded in the cell membrane push hydrogen ions obtained from the fuel molecules into the inner membrane sack within the mitochondria. These are some of the raw materials for energy production.


Blood Pressure can cause dementia, PEMF can decrease blood pressure

Oxygen brought from the lungs can produce 38 ATPs from each sugar molecule.

The role of oxygen​

Oxygen has a powerful attraction for electrons and is used to recharge the ADPs (flat batteries), turning them into ATPs (charged batteries). Oxygen has a powerful pull on electrons generated by the mitochondria. It uses most of the energy in the fuel molecules to push the hydrogen ions through the cell ATP synthase enzymes, recharging the flat battery (ADP) into a charged battery (ATP) by adding a phosphate ion to it. Without oxygen, the cell can only make 2 ATPs for every sugar molecule metabolized. The same cell can produce 38 ATPs from each sugar molecule with oxygen. 

Energy-Cell Battery Rundown.png
Cell batteries


According to Nobel Prize Laureate Dr Otto Warburg, cells maintain a voltage across their membrane. Each cell is designed to have a positive charge on the outside and a negative charge on the inside. The exterior is charged with Sodium ions, while the inside of the cell is charged with potassium ions. The two charges are separated by the cell membrane, which serves as an insulator. Within the cell are ion pumps which pump ions into and out of the cell through the cell membrane. More potassium ions are pumped into the cell while sodium ions are pumped out, positively charging the cell. The difference in electrical potential (voltage) across the membrane is referred to as trans-membrane Potential (TMP). This process of charging the cells creates a second type of “cell battery”, or energy storage (ATP is the first).


Cells will power down due to the ageing process, stress, unhealthy diet, and our toxic environment. Dr Warburg found healthy people had cell voltages of 70-100 mV, people with chronic illnesses had cell voltages between 30-50 mV, whereas cancer patients displayed cell voltages of less than 15-20 mV. Diminished cellular voltage has a direct correlation to disease and sickness. Cancer cannot thrive in highly charged cells. This is why we rarely hear of heart cancer, as it is the muscle with the highest voltage of any organ in the body.

The body will produce ATP without sufficient oxygen, but the result will be inefficient and lactic acid causing muscle cramps will result.

Anaerobic respiration​

Cells will still create energy without oxygen in a process called anaerobic respiration. This process is highly inefficient, producing only 2 ATP for every molecule of sugar processed (aerobic respiration produces 38). Anaerobic respiration also creates toxic byproducts such as lactic acid. It slows down the body’s ability to heal itself as infections occur more quickly in an acidic environment that lacks oxygen. If the body does not deliver enough oxygen for the mitochondria to create ATP, it will result in fermentation. An athlete will experience “cramps” because the cells are inefficiently producing ATP with lactic acid as a byproduct. Disease thrives in an acidic environment, promoting infection and slowing healing. 

PEMF energy medicine and the body's cells​

The energy produced during the ATP bio-electrical process empowers the body’s components to perform the functions they were designed, such as respiration, circulation, movement, digestion, reproduction, and all organ functions. 


PEMF energy medicine enhances the work of charging the batteries (transforming the mitochondria’s ADP to ATP). It stimulates all the components that deliver oxygen and nutrients to the mitochondria for energy (ATP) production. PEMF enhances the body’s delivery systems, including circulation and hydration. It increases oxygen absorption by energizing the cellular pumps, which boost the absorption of vital nutrients and expel waste toxins from the metabolic process. The energized cells have an increased charge (TMP), which maximizes the aerobic respiration (with oxygen) of the body for optimum energy production (ATP). 


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